Saturday, July 24, 2010

Skippable Months

I've decided that life needs to skip the month of August so that I can have KH: Birth by Sleep on Sept. 7th, then we can jump all the way to my birthday and then to November, so that Harry Potter 7 can come out in theaters. And then, why not skip to Christmas? Ha! if only!

Was alone at work yesterday; had about fifteen students in the span of four hours, so it was definitely within my capabilities. :) Karla is no longer working with us, she's on vacation after Dr. G suggested she take the rest of hte summer off lol. Jacob was at a funeral, which made me a little sad for it; it was for one of my friends... I which I knew what to say to things like that... but he seemed well enough on Thursday.

Brian and I ordered pizza yesterday, and I had a monter-size 64oz. thing of Dr. Pepper. COULD NOT sleep to save my life, stayed up 'till 3 and I woke up at 7, still wired. I'll probably crash around midday to take a nap. He downloaded this old game, which I'd honestly hadn't heard of before, but still pretended to amuse him; we played till the better part of the night. Star Wars: Battle Grounds, I believe.

Called mum yesterday as well. She's happy and also has her teaching job lined up, I'm so excited for her! I'll keep her in my prayers.

For now,


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